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Trans Gunung Angsi 825m, Ulu Bendul-Bukit Putus

Writer's picture: GypsytrackerGypsytracker

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Gunung Angsi at 825m ranks 15th highest peak in Negeri 9, the highest being Gunung Besar 1219m. But due to the proximity of Gunung Angsi to the Klang Valley and hassle free, hiking permit ticket at the entrance makes it a popular hike!

To make the straight forward hike from Bukit Putus, more challenging, starting from Ulu Bendul will definitely add some gradient and extra sweat to it! Instead of doing the 3km tarmac walk from Bukit Putus car park, it is best to set off in 2 cars, park each at different ends and shuttle each other.

The tarmac road to Ulu Bendul is the main Kuala Pilah highway, if you come only in one car, make sure you do this walk early when there is less traffic and heat! Otherwise drive up all the way to the car park area at the trailhead, pass the recreational complex, it will save you precious time and breath!

The fallen Beirut of Gunung Angsi 825m

Starting point: Bukit Putus or Ulu Bendul depending from where you start hike

Hike Duration: about 3 hours from Bukit Putus and 5 hours from Ulu Bendul and about 1 and half hours downhill to Bukit Putus

End Hike: Backtrack or trans or reverse trans

Hike Difficulty: 3/5

Distance: 10km

Scenery rewards: 3/5

* Gunung Angsi from Bukit Putus is a perfect choice for newbies, but the Ulu Bendul trail may be moderately challenging.

Total length from Ulu Bendul to summit is appx. 5km but the climb starts only at 3.6km

What to bring

1. Basic first aid stuff such as disinfectant, ankle guard in case you sprain your ankle, band-aid.

2. Raincoat and Poncho

3. At least 2l of water, pack lunch, snack!

4. Change of clothes. (there are changing facilities and toilet)

5. Good pair of hiking shoes is absolutely necessary

6. Ulu Bendul is leech infested!

7. Hiking stick optional

Entrance to 3rd River Crossing

For some reasons, we were not able to purchase our entry permits from the Ulu Bendul side, so it is best to purchase them from the designated ticket booth in Bukit Putus, stripe them around your wrist, and just register your car as you enter into the car park area. #gunungangsiulubendul

The Kuala Pilah area was shrouded in thick mist, unique to the geography landscape and high humidity in the area, therefore making it a popular hiking spot to sight the sea of clouds, without needing to climb above 1000m but only 300m such as Bukit Sawa, Bukit Taisho, which is around the vicinity.
RM5 entrance fee for the maintenance of the forest reserve

We parked right at the trailhead, passed the gate, crossed the fancy bridge, trekked till we reached a fork. At the fork, we made a left and cross our 1st river and continue on track on the opposite bank. To cross the 1st river without removing shoes would mean to have sloshy feet at the beginning of the hike, and it is not recommended!

We wasted some time taking off and putting back on our shoes, and in the process unexpectedly attracted some hungry blood suckers!

We had a rude shock when we discovered the leeches as we arrived at the 1st pavilion. After a series of loud screams and frantic spraying of repellent, picking, jerking and flicking off the parasite...... we continue our trek stirred and shaken.

* if you don't cross the fancy bridge from Ulu Bendul, you won't need to cross the first river! Wish is a better choice, we realized that we took the wrong way only afterwards!

As soon as we reached the 2nd pavilion, the trail heads down to the 2nd river crossing. It had all the ropes in the right places that will aid you across dry and invigorated, unless you take a wrong footing! After a short trek, we quickly skipped across the last river crossing. Do take note that we hike on a relatively dry day, and the water levels were rather low.

the second pavilion is Kem Tangga Batu (stair structure), there is a fallen pavilion and a newer one, both in dilapidated state.

You can cross this with dry feet with the aid of the ropes

3rd river crossing was shallow and we easily managed with dry feet! Not so sure if in the rainy season!

Up to the 3rd river crossing, the trail was fairly flat and therapeutic with the constant gush of water over the cascades, except that the tormenting parasites will not stop! ARHHHH!

Start Climb to Bukit Botak

From the 3rd river crossing, the trail starts to climb gradually and by 3.6km to appx. 5km the gradient becomes steeper with less tree cover, pass thick fern thicket towards Bukit Botak. Even at this point the leech infestation did not stop but thankfully less. The sound of the gushing river replaced with calls of the siamang and birds and bugs.

the markings start from 100 to 0, at the peak

Bukit Botak, as the name suggests is a bare session with no tree cover but red clay boulders. It was fairly easy to climb with fixed ropes and a ladder to assist.

After the bare session, the trail continues its steep ascent with no flat bits in between. This section, although energy sapping but only for a short length of time! If you look back, you will see stunning Jelebu mountain views in the distance. Astride to the Jelebu range of higher hills, is the Titiwangsa range in the NorthEast.

My senses stimulated with the stunning beauty, and then I realised the space was filled with chirping birds, sounded like their young hatchings calling out for food.

At this point the trail heads back into tree canopy and continues it's ascent for around 10minutes before it bends to the left, along the final stretch up the slope and joins an open clearing, and the famous sight of the fallen Beirut tower of Gunung Angsi visible.

Views or Gunung Telapak Buruk and Berembun towards north east of Gunung Angsi

View of Senawang town towards the west of Gunung Angsi

If you come from Ulu Bendul try not to start the hike beyond 9.30am as the peak can get scorching hot. Although there is a pavilion at the top, but it gets incredibly packed in the weekends. #Gunungangsi

The mercury must have hit 40c at the peak, so please remember to bring sufficient water. (2l minimum)


Summit to Waterfall checkpoint

The trail down to Bukit Putus is really straightforward with few checkpoints. By 1 hour 15 minutes you should be down at the entrance of Bukit Putus. #gunungangsibukitputus

As so as you descent, you will come across a fascinating tree, try not to climb it or the fate of the tree may end up like the one in Gunung Nuang Rapunzel tree.

Checkpoint tree 10 minutes from summit

Waterfall view checkpoint

Checkpoints from Bukit Putus, the vertical climb starts at the beginning of the hike.

Waterfall checkpoint offers more stunning views of the Jelebu range on a comfortable bench but no sight of waterfall.

The trail continues to wind through the rainforest until it reaches a flat session with few huts presumably to catch your breath if you are coming up from Bukit Putus. From here the trail starts to head downhill, more intense at certain parts. The traffic sound from the Kuala Pilah highway becomes more distinct. In about 20 minutes, pass the rutted clay slope, you continue to go down some metal mesh steps and the cement ones.......and, you'll see the wild dogs awaiting to bring the next curiously hiker up Gunung Angsi.

Flora and Fauna

If you start the hike from Ulu Bendul, the first 2km is an Arboretum with all sorts of teak trees label with unique names, familiar to low land forest. The wet soil at the Ulu Bendul area is perfect for fungi and mushroom growth which you will see many spawns along the trail! There were also many species of wild ginger!


The drive from Petaling Jaya to the Bukit Putus only took about 50minutes on the weekday. However there were many cars and trucks on the main-road even at that time. if you have not gotten any breakfast, there is a row of unassuming shops, opened from 6am selling some scrumptious, mouth-watering unique Seremban "lai fun" noodles with home-made Yong Tou Foo! It is the kind of meal that is made with so much love you'll dream of going back there just for it, because everything we eat now is mass produced!

Just at the mainroad after the Gas Station! Click for exact location! There is a Malay shop few shops away too

Trans Ulu-Bedul, Bukit Putus is a moderately easy hike with rewarding views and well maintained trails! It is the perfect trail for half day outing with very delicious noodles!

As we waited for our friend to collect his car from the Ulu Bendul car park, we freshen up at the toilet and changing area. As we left Bukit Putus, I looked back up at the recent attained summit, though not gigantic but fun and enjoyable!

Do feed them if you have any left-overs but don't litter

Date visited: 22th July 2022

